
Worlds Apart Chapter 17

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alright! here's chapter 17! I'm prolly gonna be updating quite a bit right now,

considering i'm back at school and i only have class Tuesday and's chappie 17! Hope yall enjoy it!

Disclaimers: I no ownies, but i do ownies mah litte Antonio, the bastard he is!


[blah] - Harry telepathic
//blah// - Draco telepathic
{blah} - Antonio telepathic

Worlds Apart

Chapter 17- Confessions

Harry came out of the shower to find Draco sitting on the bed, quietly

doing his homework. He looked up from his potions essay and spotted Harry in

only the towl. He blushed and looked hurridly back down at his work. Harry

instantly knew something was wrong. Normally, when he came out wearing nothing

but a towl, Draco would say something witty and inappropriate for children.

               "Draco...are you alright?" He asked timidly. Draco nodded in an end of

discussion kind of way, and Harry took it as a hint to leave him to his essay.

When Harry shut the door, Draco let out a breath he had been holding.

                "This is getting to be too hard." He said to no one in particular,"I'm

gonna have to tell him. It's just too hard." He stood up and moved to the


"Harry..." He called softly. When he heard no reply, he knocked softly.

"Harry..." He said again. Still no reply. He opened the door a crack and

peeked inside. He heard a soft noise from inside the bathroom. Preparing himself

for Harry's reaction, he pushed the door the rest of the way open.

               "Harry?" He said, but stopped dead in his tracks from what he saw.

Antonio looked over his shoulder at Draco, and Harry, who was up against the

wall, blushed and looked away.

               "What are you doing, Antonio?" Draco asked quietly. Antonio smirked and

turned away from Harry who looked pleadingly at Draco.


{Be quiet Harry}

"Harry...what's going on?" Draco said slowly.

"Draco...I-" Harry began, but was cut off by Antonio's lips.

"Hey!" Draco said, grabbing Antonio's shoulder and pulling him off of


"C'mon Draco." Antonio said reaching out for him. Draco jerked his

shoulder away from his grasp and looked over at Harry. Harry blushed as their

eyes locked.

"Harry, what's going on?" Draco repeated quietly. Harry opened his mouth

to say something but closed it and averted his eyes.

"He isn't the only one who needs to explain something, is he Draco?"

Antonio said softly, a small smirk played across his lips. Harry looked back up  

at Draco with a questioning look in his eyes.

"What does he mean, Dray?" Harry asked. Draco glanced frettfully from

Harry's confused face to Antonio's smirking one.

"Why don't you tell him about it, Draco?" Antonio prodded softly. Draco

made a small noise and gaze pleadingly at Antonio.

"Tell me what?" Harry asked slowly. Draco's eyes drifted to Harry.

" see, a couple of days ago...I was out by the quidditch

pitch thinking...and um..."Draco trailed off, looking down at his hands.

"Go on..." Antonio promped, his eyes sparkeling. Draco glared at him

with a mixture of rage and guilt.

"Dray?" Harry said in a tone that made Draco look over at him. He was

looking at him with his brilliant green eyes. Pools of love and confusion pulled

at him. "Just tell me what happened".

"Um...well...i was out by the quidditch pitch, and Antonio walked up

asking what was wrong. I told him it was nothing and he said ok and sat down

next to me...and then..." He stopped and ran his hand though his hair.

"And then?" Harry asked softly. Draco took a deep breath and looked

Harry square in the eyes.

"We made out." He said softly but clearly, never taking his eyes from

Harry's. Harry's eyes darkened and the flicked over to Antonio.

"What are you trying to pull?!" He asked Antonio angrily. Antonio looked

suprised for a moment, but recovered quickly.

"What do you mean?" He smirked,"You still havn't told Draco what was

going on in here..."He said softly,"or better yet...what happened before." He


"What...what happened before?" Draco asked looking from Antonio to

Harry. Harry fidgeted nervously and looked at Draco.

" you remember that day that I wasn't feeling good so I

didn't go to Divination?" Draco nodded slowly. "Well...after you left, Antonio

showed up..." Harry trailed off.

"I think I understand..."Draco said, glaring at Antonio.

"You do?" Harry asked suprised. Draco nodded, his eyes still shooting

daggers towards Antonio.

"And i'm assuming that the thing that was going on in here is pretty

much the same." He said and Antonio gave his a vicious smirk.

"You assume correctly. But there is also something else that you don't

know..." He said, his eyes flashed maliciously. Harry lookes at Antonio


"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"I mean that *my* little Harry here has never loved you." He said

pulling his wand out of his pocket.


"Don't listen to him, Draco! I love you more than anything in the

world!" Harry said. Antonio looked at him.

"Oh really? That's not what you told me..." He said smugly, holding his

wand out in front of him. Harry stared at him totally lost. Antonio whispered a

spell and smirked. Harry's voice was suddenly heard.

~Antonio...I love you~

Harry stared at the wand horrified. Antonio's voice sounded next.

'But, Harry...what about Draco?'

~Who cares about Draco.~

'I thought you loved him.'

~No. I never loved him.~

He lowered his wand, eyes locked with Draco's. Draco looked at him

disbelievingly for a minute and then looked over at Harry, who was looking at

him with pleading eyes.

"Draco...I never said that. You know I love you!" He said softly. Draco

looked from him to the wand and then back to him. "You have to believe me! I

love you!" Draco studied him for a moment. /I want to believe you, Harry, but I

can't. I don't think Antonio could've come up with that by himself. I'm


"Guilty until proven innocent." He stated simply and left Harry and

Antonio in the bathroom. As he made his way down the stares and out of the

castle, tears threatened to fall. He blinked them away and looked out over the

mountians, and the lake.

/I knew it was too good to be true./

~*In the Bathroom*~

"Guilty until proven innocent." The words rang in his ears. He hadn't

even noticed that Draco had left when he looked up. A tear ran down his cheek

when he realized Draco was gone and he wiped it away angrily. He felt Antonio

place his hand on his shoulder and jerked his should away and glared up at him.

"'s for your own good, Harry." Antonio said quietly. Harry

stood up.

"And how do you know what is good for me and what isn't?" He said

through gritted teeth.

"Believe me...I do." He replied and left. Harry stared after him in


"You bastard...You will pay for this." Harry said, dangerously calm.


WOO! NOTHER CHAPTER DONE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Okies...i gotta get back to my

homework! Nother chapter after homework tho! Hopefully! Lata!!
A bit of a tussle between Harry, Draco, and Antonio! Enjoy!
© 2006 - 2024 Tasan
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normaly draco would say somthing witty and innapropriat for children! hah, thats my favorit part of this chapter, lol this story is gorgous, i usually skim through these storys, and let me tell you i read yours word for word, you did an excelent job!